Saturday, August 20, 2011

Evite Clean Up

Hello Everyone!

At the begining of the summer TAP made a decision to clean up our Evite list. Over the years it had balloned to 735 members. On average, about about 650 never replied. Our large number of contacts were also causing some issues with Evite. For each event multiple people were not getting them even though they were on our contact list. People who had been deleted kept coming back into our contacts lists somehow. It had become a bit of a headache. So we took the big step of cleaning up our list. So we sent out the Evite about our clean up and deleted anyone who responded no. We also cleaned out any "bouncebacks" from Evite. We then sent out an email to anyone who remained on our contact list. We removed several more invalid emails and several more people who let us know they no longer wanted to be on the Evite. We then sent one more round of emails and removed more people.

After one Evite and two rounds of emails we still had hundreds of people who had not answered any of them. So we made the difficult decision to delete those people. This may seem like a counterproductive move. On the outside looking all the officers can see how it could seem that way. However we now have a contact list full of people who want to be there and want to participate. Also this year we will be asking our delegates to gather RSVP's for these events as well as emails from any members who would like to get these Evites directly. It may make our list smaller but full of people who truly want to be here.

Thanks for all your support of TAP over the years and we can't wait to see you at an event this year!